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Ken Borland

Proteas Women look to overcome potted record in 2021

Posted on August 23, 2021 by Ken

The record of the Proteas Women’s team for 2021 is rather a potted one because they have only played two series this year, and the bad news is there is nothing concrete on their horizon either before the ODI World Cup in New Zealand in March.

South Africa’s only fixtures in the last seven months have been a successful series against Pakistan in Durban and then a triumphant short tour to India. The Emerging Proteas side played four matches in Bangladesh.

Despite this lack of match action, and the disruptions caused by Covid lockdowns, coach Hilton Moreeng has been ensuring they stay tight as a squad with a series of short camps. And the Women’s Proteas are currently spending the week together training in Pretoria.

“Since the India tour, the great challenge has been getting together. We’ve been trying to get together at least once a month, but even this camp is now a month overdue. But I’m just glad to be able to have the players who are in the country together under one roof. Because using facilities is a challenge during Lockdown, the team has been working on fitness because that’s one thing we can control.

“I’m very happy with that and a lot of conditioning work has been done because we are going into a longer format World Cup, for which we will need more fitness. That’s the bigger picture – the ODI World Cup in New Zealand. Hopefully in the next week or two some things will be confirmed in terms of fixtures before then. That’s what we’re anticipating, which is why we’re making sure the players at home are ready,” Moreeng said on Wednesday.

The experienced Proteas coach said the team cannot arrive at the World Cup with just one or two warm-up games under their belts.

“We will probably have the Women’s Super League in the pre-season and then go into our domestic season if all goes well. But the challenge is for them to play together as a team; in T20s you can find ways to compete but ODI cricket is much longer and the team needs to play together, especially since we don’t know our squad yet for the World Cup. We have to make sure we are ready when we land in New Zealand and we can’t just expect that playing one or two games,” Moreeng said.

One positive has been the returns to action of regular captain Dane van Niekerk, who has immediately shown stellar form, and Chloe Tryon in The Hundred competition in England after lengthy injury layoffs.

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