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Ken Borland

Big city boys prevail as Sharks beat plucky Griquas

Posted on June 28, 2021 by Ken

The plucky scrappers from Kimberley tore into their defensive duties but ultimately the big city boys of the Sharks prevailed as they beat Griquas 30-16 in their hard-fought opening round Currie Cup fixture at Tafel Lager Park on Saturday.

It was not the most clinical display by the Sharks, but they were more composed at the key moments and better at converting the vital opportunities that came their way. And the key to their victory was probably the two tries they scored in two minutes in the third quarter that gave them a healthy 25-6 lead after they went into halftime 10-6 up.

The first try came through slick work by wing Werner Kok, who grubbered down the line for centre Jeremy Ward to dot down; the second was through a quickfire counter-attack as the Sharks attacked down the left wing, scrumhalf Jaden Hendrikse was up in support as usual and he sent lock Hyron Andrews galloping away for the try.

But Griquas fought back. Wing Eduan Keyter finished brilliantly through a kick through by centre Andre Swarts and then made the break that led to his fellow wing Daniel Kasande rounding off a brilliant counter-attack. But the Griquas’ effort, feisty as it was, lacked polish and their ill-discipline and poor finishing cost them in the end.

The Sharks were under pressure in bot the scrums and lineouts, which made it difficult for them to produce sizzling rugby. But a rolling maul try by replacement hooker Kerron van Vuuren in the 79th minute saw them escape from the frying pan with a bonus point that certainly was a bonus.


GriquasTry: Eduan Keyter. Penalties: George Whitehead (2).

SharksTries: Phendulani Buthelezi, Jeremy Ward, Hyron Andrews, Kerron van Vuuren. Conversions: Boeta Chamberlain (2). Penalty: Chamberlain. Drop goal: Chamberlain.

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