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Ken Borland

CSA make anodyne plea for Sascoc & public to “trust us” 0

Posted on September 22, 2020 by Ken

“Trust us” was the anodyne plea made by Cricket South Africa on Thursday to both Sascoc and the cricket-loving public as they continued to try and justify why the complete Fundudzi Forensic Report cannot be made public.

CSA and Sascoc held a joint virtual press conference on Thursday, but far from presenting a unified front, it soon became apparent that the two organisations, both with distressing records in good governance, are at an impasse.

Sascoc president Aleck Skhosana said the mother body of all sports federations in South Africa are still resolved to set up an independent task team to investigate the affairs of CSA, and reiterated that the CSA Board and executive must step aside to ensure they have “unfettered access”.

But that task team will only be appointed after Sascoc have received the full forensic report, Skhosana saying this was necessary “so we don’t put the cart before the horse; if we choose the task team before we might put legal people on there instead of accounting; we need to know what kind of skills are required”.

But CSA are standing firm on their refusal to sideline their Board or executive, and will also only allow Sascoc to view the forensic report on the same basis as the Members Council last weekend – either just in summary form or at one of Bowman Gilfillan’s offices after signing a non-disclosure agreement.

CSA Acting President Beresford Williams said this was for legal reasons.

“It’s on the advice of our legal representatives, who cautioned against releasing it because there is a huge risk that it could compromise future litigation and legal matters that are already in process, plus open us up for future liability. The Members Council resolved unanimously that Sascoc’s access to the report should be under the same conditions as there’s was, in other words a summarised report,” Williams said.

Anne Vilas, the Central Gauteng Lions president and a member of the Members Council, made a plea for that body to be trusted, even though she could not state with 100% certainty whether the summary was written by Bowman Gilfillan, who are CSA’s lawyers and formerly employed controversial company secretary Welsh Gwaza, or by Fundudzi, the independent forensic investigators.

“I have been very vocal about the report but we had very enlightening discussions last weekend and we all understand CSA’s position that it would not be in the organisation’s best interest to make the report public. We don’t want to step on anybody’s rights, but further action will be taken if warranted and we will hold the Board responsible if necessary, you can trust us on that.

“No other investigations have been done to warrant the suspension of anyone other than Thabang Moroe right now, but stuff is going on and things will happen. But unless we firmly believe something is being withheld from us, there is not sufficient reason for the Board to stand down or anyone to resign. There’s nothing stopping any of the directors from standing at the AGM,” Vilas said when asked how the public were meant to believe CSA were not just hiding behind a shield of legal advice.

Williams would not give a straight answer as to whether CSA will comply with Sascoc, after Skhosana outlined the legal powers they have over CSA and their willingness to “take appropriate measures to ensure compliance”.

“Our engagement has been very positive and there has been great dialogue between the parties. We value Sascoc’s role and there’s no doubt that together we will find common ground. we are in engagement and that will continue. CSA responded in detail to Sascoc about our fiduciary duties and we are still engaging and talking to each other. I’m confident that we can move forward and find common ground,” Williams said in a top-class piece of obfuscation.

The former Western Province Cricket Association president also showed a distinct affection for denial when he said he and the other Board members had nothing to be held accountable over.

“I assure you that if there were any cases of concern in the report then we would have stood down. There were no negative findings to threaten the AGM and the Members Council unanimously agree that we should not be held accountable. I took the decision to continue to serve the game I’m passionate about, if I had acted irresponsibly or not in the best interests of CSA as a director then I would have moved on,” Williams said.

But “unanimously” is a word CSA have had a history of not understanding the proper meaning of and, as Skhosana himself said, “All trust has been lost in Cricket South Africa and we see evidence of that on a daily basis.”

Vilas won’t bring a new broom, but passion & business acumen 0

Posted on June 08, 2020 by Ken

New Central Gauteng Lions president Anne Vilas does not see herself as being a new broom sweeping clean but what she will bring to her role is business acumen and a great passion for the game of cricket.

Vilas is certainly not a new face around the Wanderers – she has been on the Lions board for nine years, was the vice-president to predecessor Jack Madiseng and is highly-regarded as an administrator.

In fact, she says she is happy to build on the legacy Madiseng created during his tenure from September 2016.

“In revealing my goals I’m really cognisant of my board and these are goals that we share together. A lot of them are what Jack has done in his term, sticking to the pillars he created for the Central Gauteng Lions,” Vilas told Saturday Citizen.

“Transformation is always the number one priority for all of us at the Lions, particularly right now with what’s happening in the world. We need to revive and grow the game in the townships, that’s very important. We also want to grow women’s cricket, which is going to be tough because there are not enough facilities even for men’s clubs. But we want to ensure that the women at least get equal opportunity.

“The financial stability of the union and the clubs, who I would like to see not being so reliant on the CGL, is also very important, and we need to increase the amount of cricket being played at schools and at age-group level, it’s vitally important to play as much cricket as we can. The upkeep of the Wanderers is another pillar, getting the most out of it as a multi-purpose stadium,” Vilas said.

Growing up in a household with a sports-mad father and two brothers, and then having three sons of her own, there was not much chance Vilas was going to be cooking in the kitchen while there was so much sporting action going on around her. Her whole life has been spent in male-dominated pursuits which is why she is so comfortable being just the second female president of a cricket union after Zola Thamae in the Free State.

“I played garden cricket with my brothers and my dad, Herby Prout, was a keen sportsman at club level, as well as working in the sports industry. I had two brothers and then three sons, so there’s been a massive amount of cricket watched at the Wanderers over the years. I had seen great times watching my dad and brothers – the youngest, Robert, was the wicketkeeper for Mark Rushmere’s 1983 SA Schools side [which also included Dave Rundle, Daryll Cullinan, Dave Callaghan and Meyrick Pringle] – and I wanted my boys to play club sport as well and make those friendships.

“And I’ve worked in a male-dominated sports industry all my life, so it is not new to me. I don’t want to be in the position I am because of what I am, but because of who I am. But if being president is important to women in general, if I can make a difference to future women wanting to get involved in cricket, then that’s good,” Vilas said.

For Vilas, her journey in cricket started at club level and she believes it is time the game went back to its roots and made sure they were strong.

“Every male member of my family went to King Edward VII School and my boys played at Old Eds. I played hockey there and was a sponsor through our sports goods business, but then one of my friends at the club suggested I make myself available for the Lions board, they would put my name forward. That’s how I got into cricket administration.

“Those friendships I spoke about from the old days of club sport, we’ve lost those. Cricket used to be about family and kids coming to watch, but the sport is not really growing now, it’s static. It comes back to the lack of facilities, nobody is building any more cricket fields. So we have a limited amount of people playing and these days kids want instant success so if they don’t make the A or B team then they go and play something else. People are no longer playing just for the love of the game,” Vilas said.

The Covid-19 pandemic has, of course, been an arrant disaster for cricket but Vilas is well-placed both as a businesswoman and as the mother of Dane, the internationally-acclaimed former Proteas wicketkeeper/batsman who now plays for Lancashire, to come up with solutions.

“I’ve seen through Dane’s experiences in England how the counties make money and through my cricket contacts in England, Australia and New Zealand, I have my finger on what happens around the world. From a purely business point of view, Covid will have a massive effect. In our own industry, schools and clubs weren’t able to finish the last season so we’re going to be selling them less equipment for next season.

“The whole Lockdown will have a knock-on effect and sponsors will be badly affected as well,” Vilas, whose company imports and distributes such big brands as Gunn and Moore and Ping, said.

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