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Ken Borland

Blair Atholl the road less travelled, but Lawrence has been there before & equals his course record 0

Posted on March 14, 2023 by Ken

Playing the Blair Atholl Golf and Equestrian Estate course is the road less travelled for most of the South African Open field, but Thriston Lawrence has been there before and he equalled his course record on the massive Gary Player designed layout to top the leaderboard after the first round on Thursday.

The course has only hosted one professional event before – the Blair Atholl Championship in October 2021 – and Lawrence claimed the course record with a remarkable 64 in the final round that catapulted him into sixth place.

On Thursday he repeated that performance with another eight-under-par 64 to end the first day of the SA Open with a one-stroke lead. Lawrence, who won the rookie of the year award for the 2022 DP World Tour, birdied the second hole but then bogeyed the par-three third. From then on it was a cruise for the highly-promising 25-year-old as he gathered eight more birdies, five of them on the back nine.

The sheer length of the Blair Atholl course – at 7461 metres it is the longest in DP World Tour history – may be daunting for many in the field, but Lawrence enjoys the challenge.

“That was good fun,” Lawrence smiled after signing for his 64, “this course is quite familiar to me after I played the Sunshine Tour event here last year and I’m very happy to tie my course record from the final round then.

“I just tried to keep doing what I do, stick to the game-plan and be aggressive off the tee, and I hit good drives, my approach play was really great and I dropped a few putts today.

“It’s really long, but I like hitting full shots into the green, mid-to-long irons are my game. My long game is my strength and this course definitely suits me.

“It’s just good on the eye for me, the course just seems open for me and obviously I brought a bit of confidence today from that last round last year,” Lawrence said.

Englishman Ross Fisher, another of the longer hitters on tour, also went to town on the back nine, collecting five birdies as well, adding to the three birdies and a bogey, also on the third, he had on the front nine, to finish one behind Lawrence on seven-under. Fisher’s last DP World Tour win came at the 2014 Tshwane Open, which was played at Copperleaf, the previous longest-ever course in tour history, so that is a good omen for the 42-year-old.

Jens Fahrbring, the 38-year-old Swede, joined Fisher on seven-under with a superb bogey-free 65 as dusk settled over Lanseria.

Germany’s Matti Schmid held the clubhouse lead for much of the day with three eagles leading him to a six-under 66, where Scott Jamieson joined him late in the day, the Scot also going bogey-free. JJ Senekal also posted 66.

Luke Brown, who won the Blair Atholl Championship last year, parked himself on five-under with a 67 that also did not feature a single dropped shot. Spain’s Santiago Tarrio and Italian Edoardo Molinari also posted 67s, as did Northern Ireland’s Tom McKibbin, who made a hole-in-one on the 213-metre par-three 11th in just his second DP World Tour start.

South Africa’s Hennie du Plessis also registered an ace, on the par-three third hole.

Wilco Nienaber, perhaps the longest hitter of them all, also finished on five-under, offsetting a double-bogey five at the 17th with an eagle on the par-five closing hole.

Fines meetings a bit of a giggle, but Boucher apologises for any offence 0

Posted on September 08, 2021 by Ken

Proteas coach Mark Boucher has described the team’s fines meetings as being a bit of a giggle designed to build team spirit, but he has apologised for any offence caused in his affidavit to Cricket South Africa’s Social Justice and Nation-Building commission, which he released publicly on Monday.
Boucher has been accused of racial abuse dating back to his playing days following the testimony of former Protea Paul Adams, who said he was called “Brown Shit” in a fines meeting song.
“One way we try to build team spirit, as do many teams across the world, is to have fines meetings. … They were lighthearted with lots of laughter, singing and ribbing of team-mates. Management and the captain were often fined. … There would never really be a fine for an on-field event as this could, mistakenly, be taken personally.
“So ‘offences’ would typically be for wearing the wrong kit, being late for a meeting, talking out of turn in the fines meeting … and these fines would be accompanied by a song. … Lots of us had nicknames for each other which had a racial connotation and we all called each other those names. I was also given a nickname which made reference to my colour … but I can categorically say that I did not give Mr Adams the name ‘brown shit’.
“While at the time we thought it was playful banter within a team environment in which we all participated … , I deeply regret and apologise for the part I played by joining in with my team-mates in singing offensive songs or using offensive nicknames,” Boucher said in his affidavit.
Boucher made his debut for the Proteas in 1997 as a “naive” 20-year-old and, while he does not try to paint himself as a sweet young man, he strongly refutes any suggestions he was racist.
“I was a young man, barely out of my teens. In hindsight, we are all naive – the players, the coaches, the management. We were not only naive but also ill-equipped to deal with the new environment in which we found ourselves. … I have committed to educate myself so that I do not do or say things that are unintentionally offensive. …  I feel privileged to have experienced what I have and I deeply regret playing a role in not seeing or doing more for those who could have had a similar experience.
“I do wish to state categorically that nothing I have ever said or done was motivated by malice and was certainly not motivated by racism. … There has been an implicit insinuation in some media reports and by some people in social media, that I am a racist. The attack on my character by these people has been relentless, bereft of objectivity and evidence and appears motivated by a hidden agenda. My family and I have been traumatised by it,” Boucher said.

Members Council & Sascoc likely to discover today what punishment Mthethwa will hit them with 0

Posted on April 26, 2021 by Ken

Cricket South Africa’s Members Council and Sascoc are likely to discover on Monday what punishment sports minister Nathi Mthethwa is going to hit them with after the stunt they pulled at the weekend’s Special General Meeting of the cricket body, leading to the new Memorandum of Incorporation designed to improve governance not being passed.

In a clearly orchestrated move, Sascoc president Barry Hendricks was parachuted into the SGM, having earlier turned down an invitation to just be an observer, and then delivered a prepared address that basically warned the Members Council that Sascoc would cancel their membership if they went ahead with the amendments to their constitution.

Hendricks had explicitly been warned by Mthethwa, in a letter last week, to not interfere with the process, and now he and Members Council acting president Rihan Richards have been called to a meeting with the minister on Monday.

“You cannot believe how annoyed the Minister is,” sources close to Mthethwa told The Citizen on Sunday.

A statement released by the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture on Sunday said the minister was disappointed the Members Council had acted “in bad faith” and he has been left with “no further option but to exercise his rights in terms of Section 13 (5) of the Sports Act” and he “will be taking the necessary steps required to exercise his rights in terms of the law”.

It is likely that he will tell CSA that they are no longer recognised by the Department of Sport, which would lead to them being unable to play any international cricket.

The Interim Board, having failed to win over the recalcitrant Members Council, now only remains in name and will prepare their final report for Mthethwa, their term of office having ended with the SGM at the weekend. It is believed several directors have decided to take no further part in cricket’s affairs.

Cricket South Africa, already in troubled financial waters before the Members Council/Interim Board impasse, will now be in dire straights because leading sponsors and broadcasters are already believed to be preparing to jump ship. One official with knowledge of CSA’s financial situation said a ban on the Proteas would probably mean the organisation would be bankrupt and unable to run the game before the start of next season.

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    Every day offers the opportunity for doing a kind deed or speaking an encouraging word to someone who feels overwhelmed.

    Our exuberant joy about God’s goodness to us should cause us to throw ourselves enthusiastically into serving others.

    But be sensitive to the needs of others, enrich their lives through love and kindness. Giving yourself in love and service to others is the duty of all those who love Christ and serve him with sincere hearts.

    Don’t brood over lost opportunities, instead make a definite decision to do better today and tomorrow. Use every opportunity in his strength!

    You will find God’s purpose for your life as you serve others!

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